The Mighty Before & After
Boudoir Photograpy Before & After
So, you might be wondering why I'm following up my last post with this one. Well, hopefully you understood that my last post wasn't about boycotting everything girly, letting your leg hair grow and burning your bra (unless that's your thang, girlfriend, and if that's the case, I'm right there with ya). It's about self-acceptance, woman-centered support and being happy with yo-self. Interestingly, these are the very reasons women come to me in the first place. We so desperately want to like ourselves. Life is so much easier and so much happier when we do. We are innate nurturers and we want to make people around us feel good. When we make women around us feel good, we feel good. We just want to know we are doing ok, inside and out.
Every woman finds this very energy in my space and that is why women come to me. I help you see yourself with new eyes. I encourage and cheer you on so that you understand I'm here for you and this day belongs to you. My sincerest and deepest wish is that when you walk out of my space, your sense of self-love is completely renewed and permanent.
So, this is where the before and after makes its entrance. I simply have to film our clients' reactions when a mirror is held up to their faces after their hair and makeup styling. You can see that awesome injection of confidence just make its way through their bodies. They're excited, they're pumped, they're ready to go. And this is why you won't find any big mirrors near the styling station. No peeking! The Before & After gallery on my site is the most visited page by far. The transformations are real, ladies, and not just in looks; it starts with that first glance at yourself and you just know...this is what you came here for and you got this.
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Boudoir Photographer Pittsburgh-8
I guarantee I will make you feel differently about yourself. Who's ready for that challenge?Makeover: At Home Beauty Gown: Rubin Singer