The Elizabeth Craig Photography Experience
Boudoir Photography Testimonial Review | Elizabeth Craig Photography-65
Boudoir Photography Testimonial Review | Elizabeth Craig Photography-67
Boudoir Photography Testimonial Review | Elizabeth Craig Photography-66
I get it. You've never been photographed professionally before. Well, maybe those embarrassing senior photos that you hid in the back of your closet. Or maybe you're already married and had a professional photographer snap away all day. But what about being photographed, by yourself, with no one but you and your photographer...and you're half naked? Hmmmm.....what's that experience like?? Well, thanks to some words from some of my past wonderful, awesome and incredible clients, you can now get a taste of what your experience would be like with me. I think half the reason some women don't take the plunge with me is that they don't know what to expect, so they immediately assume they can't do it. And I do talk a lot about my clients and my impression of their experience with me, but here is your chance to hear it first hand. And my hope is that you can see that my goal was to understand how the session effected her. I wasn't looking for accolades; I wanted to know if their session changed them in any positive way, and also sustained that positivity long after. I sent this to quite a few women and the results were wonderful. Read on...
1. What brought you to Elizabeth Craig for a session? I first found Elizabeth when I was looking for photographers for my wedding. A boudoir photography session never even crossed my mind, but when I found her page and started browsing all of her work I couldn’t believe how she was able to capture the beauty and confidence in all of these women.
2. What, if anything, would have been an obstacle or fear that would have prevented you from a session with Elizabeth? I actually scheduled a session before my wedding, I planned to give it to my husband as a wedding present. However my nerves got the best of me and I cancelled, even after meeting with Elizabeth at her studio and talking to her beforehand because I was nervous. All of these thoughts kept running through my mind of how I wasn’t pretty enough, sexy enough, and that I would probably go and my session would be the worst she had ever had. Then 2 years later I decided I was going to go for it. I kept following Elizabeth after my initial encounter and just loved how beautiful and confident these women looked and I wanted that for myself.
3. How did you expect the experience of the session to be for you vs. how you feel the experience actually was for you (if there was a difference at all)? I told myself when I woke up the morning of my session that I was not going to be nervous and I was going to go in there and just go for it. I was so excited. Once I parked my car and started walking to the studio my nerves started creeping in. I had the same thoughts running through my head: you aren’t good enough, you will never to be able to make good eye connection or expressions, what are you doing. I was very quiet while there and E even commented that I was one of her quietest clients. I was so excited and so nervous at the same time so I was not very talkative. Once I sat in the chair and started with hair and makeup, and I was given a glass of champagne I started to relax. She showed me how I looked in the mirror and I couldn’t believe how beautiful I looked. E took me through every single pose and told me exactly how to connect with the camera. It honestly felt like I had done this 100x before, after getting started I felt so comfortable, and was having a blast.
4. What was your favorite part of your session? My favorite part of my session was when E showed me some of my shots on her camera after taking them, I was able to see them and see that I had it in me. I was so worried about having a horrible session because I really only ever smile in pictures, I didn’t feel I was capable of looking sexy and confident, and when I saw those pictures I just could not believe that, that was me and I was really rocking it!
5. Have you noticed any differences in yourself since your session / Do you feel the same about your inner/outer beauty or has that self-perception changed at all in a positive way, and if so, did that feeling last for you / Do you see yourself differently now? If so, what are those changes? I have seen such a turn around in my self-perception; I used to be an extremely quiet, reserved, and self-conscious woman. I was constantly worrying about what others thought of me and never thought I was good enough because of past experiences so I figured if I just stayed low and never really did anything out of the norm I would be perfectly fine and content. After my session with E, I just felt alive. When we met for my reveal, I sat in the chair next to her and was in awe of how amazing this experience truly was for me. Me, the girl who was nervous to wear a bikini to my family pool because of self image issues, totally rocked my boudoir session. I looked amazing, and realized living life in my past experiences and in the shadows was a total waste of my life. From that day I am so much more confident in myself as an individual, I love my body, I started chasing dreams of mine, and actually started my own personal business where I am helping other women realize their full potential and that it is totally ok to love yourself and be who you really want to be deep down inside.
6. How do you define “beautiful" and has that changed, been strengthened or weakened since your session? Beautiful to me used to be the celebrities and models you see on tv or in magazines, with the “perfect” skin, body, hair, and makeup. After my session with E and growing and learning more about myself since then I have come to realize beauty is not an image, it is truly what is inside. Being beautiful to me is loving yourself, being confident in who you are as a person, and being someone who does not care about what others think of you, if you want something you go after it and you don’t stop until you reach your goal. We have been brainwashed to think beauty is a certain number on a scale, a smaller dress size, and just “perfection”. Now I truly believe that there is no one such thing as perfection, everyone is different and that is what makes each person beautiful in his or her own way.
7. Would recommend that women in your life have a session with Elizabeth? Would you refer your friends/family? Yes I would! I have told multiple friends and also some family members about my session! It was such an experience and I know I want have another on in the future!
8. What are 3 words to describe how you felt about your experience with Elizabeth before the actual session? Nervous, self conscious, and doubtful.
9. What are 3 words to describe how you felt about your experience with Elizabeth as you were leaving the studio after your session?Do those feelings still ring true for you? I felt confident, beautiful, and just absolutely amazing. And yes they do!
10. Is there anything else you would like to add? My session with E was initially a gift I wanted to give my husband for Christmas. Then as time went on I truly just wanted to do this for myself, I wanted to show myself that I was capable of being beautiful and confident, even though when I was walking into my session more nervous than anything. A session with E is more than just a photo shoot, well it was for me. It opened up a whole new part of me that was always there but I just never knew how to let it out. I don’t think I would have made the progress I have since my session emotionally, physically, and even with my new career if I would not have had this experience. I think every woman deserves to feel beautiful and know that she is capable of anything and having a session with E totally did this for me!
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Makeover by Hannah Conard Beauty.