The Girl Next Door, A Victoria Secrets Bombshell and a Nudist Walk into a Bar...
Philadelphia Boudoir Photographer-13, I got that wrong...they all walked into my studio, except...they were all one woman. But by the looks of these photos, I could probably get away with convincing you of that. Can I let you in on a secret: I LOVE that element to my sessions. It's not even a question anymore. How many sides of yourself can we bring out in a session? We just do it. Honestly...we don't even ask anymore. We just do it.
My goal is to drawwwwwwww each of those sides of yourself out of you. I've gotten the raised eyebrows that accompany the "Well...I don't know about this...but I guess if you say so..." look in the eyes. I ignore them. Actually, I take that back. I take that as a challenge. And when I get the follow up "HOLY SHIT ON A STICK" look when they see what they look like in the photographs...well...I'm sure you can guess my internal thoughts at the moment.
We start easy. Natural, mostly clothed. I like to keep you as you see yourself daily (just a notch better) so that you feel comfortable in your own skin. Then we push. We get a bit more seductive. We let the hair down and pump up the volume a bit, maybe add a bit of smoke to those eyes. Then we really get the garters out. That's when you're realllllly ready to start killing it. That girl next door turned into the bombshell in one glance and then those hips start kickin'. And lastly, we round it out with a bit of art. That can be nudes or a more editorial style. Whatever it is, by then you're a pro and wondering why you didn't do this years ago, all while planning your next session with me because NOW you know what to expect. NOW you know you can do it. NOW you know you are one, hot, passionate, gorgeous badass.
The girl next door, a Victoria Secrets bombshell and a nudist walk out of my studio...
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The End (ahem...I mean...The Beginning).Makeover by At Home Beauty White bodysuit and black lingerie outfit by Victoria's Secret White undies by Calvin Klein Tank by Forever 21 Skin know...Mother Nature