Is 2018 YOUR Year? | Personal Branding | Pittsburgh
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Wow have I gotten a lot of questions about personal branding since that ball dropped down. This is really exciting and here's why: you're all starting to realize the difference between head shots and actual, real branding for your businesses. Cuz, you know...there is a HUGE difference. Your brand isn't just what you're selling; your brand is an extension of who you are, what you stand for and believe in, your style, your aesthetic, your look and your feel. It's all of you, in one glance. And this is YOUR year to show 2018 who's boss.
If you are as excited as I am about the clean slate and promise of something new that New Year's Eve brings, then you should be just as excited about amping up your brand, or even giving your brand an entire makeover. Ahem...and that's where I come in....
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Women are becoming entrepreneurs faster than any other time. This is both so incredible and so heavy. We are making history, ladies, and that just makes me want to dance a jig. But...this also means you have a lot of competition and you have to do whatever it is you have to do to make potential clients connect with you emotionally, and feel a sense of trust and comfort, with one glance at your site, blog, social media and your photographs. And you need to make this happen before it happens with your closest competitor. Nothing like a little pressure to get your day moving, right?
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If this seems like a daunting task, it shouldn't. Revamping your brand is one of the easiest and most cost effective ways to reach your audience faster, more productively and with the most amount of bang for your buck. Wanna know why? Because it's visual. You've been on those websites that are almost all words, right? With some teeny, tiny little photograph of either an older than dirt photo of the owner, or worse, a photo of some kind of cartoon of what they are selling. Raise your hand if you're willing to dig through mounds and piles of wordy text to get the simple info you're looking for: the service/product and price? *crickets* *crickets* Yep. That's what I thought.
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When a potential client clicks on your site or social media, most of what they should see are photographs. Photographs of you, what you're selling, details of your brand. These photographs should have a consistent and lovely look with a clean and consistent palette that represents your brand and personality. These photos and visuals should make your potential clients want to see more. Just type in "social media styling" and you will see that there are entire businesses dedicated to styling just your social media! There is a reason for this, folks. It's because we're starting to learn how important visual aesthetics are in terms of selling. I can't tell you how many times I clicked on a site and right back off because it was messy, cluttered, too wordy and just not visually appealing. That one look tells me if you've got style, a bit about your personality, if you're focused, and most importantly, if I connect with you and trust that you know whatever it is you're selling better than the next gal, and you know what you're talking about. That's just one glance.
So, 2018 is here. It has just begun, and with alllllll the excitement and promises of a new beginning. This is your chance to really make this year your year. If you're thinking to yourself, "I have enough gorgeous and awesome photographs of myself and my products/services to display on my completely up-to-date and current website." Then move on. You don't need me. If that statement does not describe your current branding situation, and you're still questioning whether you need a personal branding session, I have one question for you: How's that working out for you?
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When you're ready, I'm right here.