Women's March 2018 | Pittsburgh

Pittsburgh Women's March 2018-14

Pittsburgh Women's March 2018-14

So let me start off by saying Ella: 2, Me: 0. Yep--my daughter AND my husband have now both been to 2 women's marches and I haven't made it to one. ONE! I was all set with a hotel room and all my grand plans for the very first march on Washington DC last year and got the flu 2 days before. I was out of town for both Pittsburgh marches, so here I sit, march-less. But I figure, if I'm married to a cool enough guy that hears about a women's rights march going on in the city and grabs his 12 year old daughter and heads out the door to experience it with her, and if I have a cool enough kid that has the time of her life at those marches, well...I'm doing ok.

Of course while they were there they took photos and John made a film. All are excellent so ENJOY! I did!

Big, huge, ginormous THANK YOU to Beth Kukucka for taking such an incredible photo of my 2 loves when she bumped into them at the march. Thank you thank you thank you.


Pittsburgh Women's March 2018-6

Pittsburgh Women's March 2018-6

Pittsburgh Women's March 2018-1

Pittsburgh Women's March 2018-1

Pittsburgh Women's March 2018-12

Pittsburgh Women's March 2018-12

Pittsburgh Women's March 2018-13

Pittsburgh Women's March 2018-13

Pittsburgh Women's March 2018-11

Pittsburgh Women's March 2018-11

Pittsburgh Women's March 2018-5

Pittsburgh Women's March 2018-5

Pittsburgh Women's March 2018-8

Pittsburgh Women's March 2018-8