Newsletter Porn

What is newsletter porn, you ask? It's a made up click-bate term I am using to get you to read this blog post. BUT WAIT! Don't click off! I promise it will be worth it!! I also reallllly dislike the term "newsletter" so I'm officially changing it to Fab List. Yeah yeah yeah...if you're on my blog then you have already gotten that super duper annoying pop up asking you to join my "newsletter". Sorry. Sorry for the damn pop up and sorry for the damn term "newsletter". I hate it too.

TIP: If you don't want to read through all of my clever quips (whaaaaaaat?) discussing my Fab List, skip to the last paragraph because there's a real sweet deal in there for you. 

But here's the thing: if you sign up for my Fab List, then you will get to be in the know with everything "ECP"...that's street talk for Elizabeth Craig Photography, for those of you not in the know...but now you are in the know...'cuz I just explained it to to the cool gang.

If you think alllll you're going to get is bombarded with annoying spam from me, think again. First, I hate annoying spam so I'm not going to do that to you. Second, I have no interest in sending anything out to you that is (a). boring, uninteresting or...yeah...annoying. And (b). I have no interest in sending you anything more than once a month. Frankly I just don't even have time. But you WILL get the first announcement for all my deals, steals, tricks AND treats before anyone else gets the scoop. I have a lot planned for this year so you juuuuuust might want to be in the cool kids gang for this.

Third...and I love this one: if you sign up for my Fab List, you will instantly receive an email with a link to my Successful Selfie Posing Guide. WOOT! This can be used for everyday posing AND for entrepreneurs that need to keep their social media feeds fresh. And just a bit more of a shout out here: I'm now offering in-person tutorials on selfie posing, styling and wardrobe for entrepreneurs. So whether you want me to teach you one-on-one, or if you have a group that you've put together, yeah...I do that. So far so good too! Peeps seem to like it!

Oh....I guess I should talk about that video. Well, I'm not going to. Just click play and enjoy. ;-)