Celebrating Sobriety
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I get a lot of women that come to me to celebrate or commemorate a very specific milestone in their lives. Senior graduation, wedding gifts, pregnancy, divorce, weight loss journeys, personal and spiritual journeys, anniversaries, cancer remission...I have been so incredibly blessed to have to been able to be a small part of the awe-inspiring life journeys of my clients. And this powerful woman is no different. Kaedi decided one year ago, to the day of her session with me, to get sober. She even knew the exact time of the moment she made the decision. At 1pm, we took a cell phone photo of her so I could immediately text it to her so she could post it. It was such a beautiful moment you guys...what a way to celebrate your very first year of sobriety. An incredible photo shoot all for yourself. An afternoon of everything SELF.
As you can imagine, it's been a long hard road for Kaedi to get where she is and, trying to say this without sounding condescending, I'm so so proud of her. If you know someone that struggles with sobriety, then you know what I'm talking about. I was also so happy that she also wanted me to share her story. Suffering in silence is no way to live and I really believe half the battle of anything is being able to talk out loud about your struggles. It truly is what brings us all closer.
And so, I get to add one more journey to my list. I could not be more inspired by all of you and more thrilled to know each of you.
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Battle on my warriors, and remember to always live your life out loud.Makeover by At Home Beauty.