Let's All Give a Big Welcome to ELIZABETH CRAIG MEDIA!
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Yes, yes, yes, yes, YES!!! Can you feel the excitement?? Read on my friends... I know you've seen me A LOT in films on Instagram and Facebook (I'm so fancy...) and I know you've seen films within my social media that encompass a wide range of subjects and content. But did you know that they were all mastered by John Craig, my number one, my go-to-guy, my uber-talented, super-special BEST sherpa in the entire world??
Maybe you did know that, but you guys, did you know he's been my secret weapon all along? Yes, you see my face, my personality, my writings and my goings-on, but behind the scenes has always been a magical wizard of business, future-building, strategic planning and, of course, content building. You never see him, really, but he's there.
John has been doing social media management and films for lots of folks and businesses for a while, but we've never made it official...until now! We have officially launched Elizabeth Craig Media, under the Elizabeth Craig Photography umbrella. Now you get BOTH of us as your personal curating, copywriting, creative directing, producing, filming and photographing cheerleading team and fan club!
So let's have a quick discussion on how we do what we do, because listen up folks: we DO NOT do what most film, photography, social media companies do. Pay attention here. Over the last few years, we have found that our #1 customer is people and businesses coming to us after paying thousands of dollars to some other film company for one, super-edited boring film that got them nothing in return. Here's why: because one-hit wonders have no lasting effect on sustainability, future-building or audience/customer-building. And most of those "one-hit-wonders" are never even a hit from the start. And here is the reason why:
Because consistency beats absolutely everything else out EVERY SINGLE TIME.
One super duper expensive 10 minute film is going to get you nothing because you cannot gain a massive following or get your name one everyone's lips with just one film. On average, it will take 12-18 months of consistent content output to get a groove going, a following happening and real return pouring in. Every single successful online presence I have ever seen for any successful brand all have this in common. Yes, there are the unicorns in this bunch, but are you going to bank your business's future success on that?So, we at ECM believe in this model and this is what we do. We offer a variety of totally affordable packages that will not only give you a bucket full of consistent content, but we do all the handholding all the way through it. We will help you from the very beginning establish a plan of attack and a schedule to consistently keep you in the eyes of your audience and on the lips of your customers.
Having doubts?? Well let me just end it with this: most photography businesses fail within the first 3 years. We are now heading into our 14th year.
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'Nuff said there...