So Much Update. So Little Time.

Pittsburgh Boudoir Photography Educator-1

Goodness me-oh-my....themmmmmmm LEGS! Now I really and truly understand when someone uses the term "legs up to her chin". So, just a bit of a catch-up as to what has been going on in my world. I know I've been seriously slacking on the blogging and I'm trying to catch my breath but I'll be honest with you: if you really want current updates on my work you should follow me on my personal Facebook, photography Facebook and education Facebook, as well as my photography Instagram and education Instagram. See why I have no time to blog? Because I have FIVE social media accounts to deal with (insert fainting Elizabeth here).

Hopefully you know by now that myself, along with John and Lola, have opened a boudoir and editorial education business, Elizabeth Craig Education. YES YES YES!! I'm so excited and I know I've been bombarding everyone with a crapload of social media getting the word out there so I'm going to keep this snippet brief: launches on 10/29. If you want to register/buy the 10-wk course you have to do so by 10/28 11:59pm EST or you have to wait 3 months until we get through the first round. We've had lots of success so far and I AM SO THRILLED!!! Once you buy, you are grandmothered in and will have access to all additional content for life AND the price will be going up you guys. So if you're interested, now is the time!

Yes, I am still photographing. You I could ever stop. But people keep asking me if I'm hanging up the camera for a chalkboard and my answer is, of course, NOPERS! Never ever ever. Right now I am booking for 2019 so keep that in mind for Valentine's Day!

Pittsburgh Boudoir Photography Educator-2
Pittsburgh Boudoir Photographer | Elizabeth Craig Photography-1
Pittsburgh Boudoir Photographer | Elizabeth Craig Photography-2

I pinkie swear I'm going to try and blog more often. In the meantime, come catch me on social media!Muse: Mia Gilroy