Going LIVE with Sharna Again!

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Hey gang! Remember Sharna? If you don't, Sharna, of Seek Spark Shine, was a guest on my Livecast this past summer and WOW did it get a good turn out! It was pretty obvious that we left everyone wanting more, so guess what? Here's your "more". Sharna is going to be rolling through Pittsburgh for some classes (see below) and certifications for her students and while she's here, we will be going LIVE at 3pm EST on 11.7.18 on my personal Facebook page. If you can't make it, don't worry; not only will I be posting the Live video on Facebook, but John will also be filming an extended video of Sharna as I explore her history with reiki, her life as a healing practitioner and all about her new book, Unexpected Awakenings: Navigating a Spiritual Awakening. You do NOT want to miss this!

And a super duper special treat for you: Sharna is holding an incredible workshop, Guide Speak, at a private home in Monroeville while she's here.

Connecting with your Spirit Guides

We all have the ability to connect with our guides, and communicating with them can provide us with vital support and information on our path. During this workshop you’ll:

  • Understand who and what spirit guides are and how they help and support you.

  • Learn tools to communicate directly with your personal guides.

  • Practice connecting with and receiving messages from them.

If you're interested (and you should be), go here to find out more. I hope to see you there!