She Has the Kind of Beauty that Moves

Elizabeth Craig Boudoir Photography | Pittsburgh-002

Beauty that moves. I like that. You know women like that...there is just something about them. They enter a room and there is a force about them that makes you stop and ponder her life. Her experiences. Where she's been....where she will go. I hope you read that quickie post I put up about the question of beauty. I feel like this post goes along with that. What is beauty that moves? I don't know...there really is no way to describe it. You just know it when you feel it.

I would bet most women would desire this kind of beauty over any other kind out there. In the end, we are rarely simply remembered for our physical beauty. We are hopefully remembered for our story, our journey and what we gave more than what we received.

That's the kind of beauty I want to be remembered by. That is a legacy I would be very proud of.

(Gorgeous makeover by Hannah Conard of Hannah Conard Beauty)