Absolutely 100% | Pittsburgh Boudoir Photographer

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You would think since boudoir has come into the mainstream that the question, “Can I really do this??” would have faded away by now and the question would be, "WHEN can I do this??” Thankfully the mainstream part of it has certainly led more and more and more women to maybe start with the former question and end with the latter, but now I have a question for you:

What’s holding you back? Sure, it’s a bit scary. I get it. But so are quite a lot of things and I bet none of the scary things running through your mind right now include an AMAZING experience and photos to prove it, all while pouring and oozing a giant dose of confidence through your gorgeous veins.

This beautiful woman in these photos was convinced she wouldn’t be able to do whatever she needed to do to really and truly create photos with me that she would be proud of. Whoaaaaaa was she wrong. I knew it, but better yet, within 5 clicks she knew it too.

Remember, you’re not alone in this process. You have a not-so-secret weapon at your side that has all the experience, all the knowledge, and all the know-how to get out of you exactly what needs to be pulled out of you.

Guuuurrrrrrlllllll…..I got you.

So. Can you do this? Absolutely 100% you’re damn right you can.

Stop fretting. Stop questioning. Stop wondering. Let’s do this.

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Makeover by AtHome Beauty.

Elizabeth Craig