
I saw a commercial that told me I needed their product to look younger. I flipped through a magazine and came across and ad that told me I needed shape wear to look thinner. I heard a radio commercial that told me I needed to invest in makeup to look prettier.

Daily, we are all inundated with messages that tell us who we are in whatever state we find most comfortable for ourselves is simply just not enough in one way or another. The crazier thing is that we believe them.

I wonder what would happen if we told ourselves daily that we are awesome, we are worthy, we are useful and relevant at any age or size, that the universe/God really does love us no matter what we look like, that we are enough.

More and more I’m hearing about women engaging in daily affirmations that start their day with a dose of self-love that just sets them up for success every day and in every way. Even better? Recording your own affirmations in your own voice, because why would you want to hear a voice you don’t know and from someone you’ve never met tell you how incredible you are?? Who are you going to believe more? A stranger, or yourself.

I kinda feel like starting every day hearing myself that I LOVE ME could be one of the biggest game changers I’ve experienced lately.

Here’s to one-sided conversations with a gorgeous, lovely, funny, brilliant, generous, smart ass, powerful, badass, kickass, super duper incredible, phenomenal, extraordinary woman…

Elizabeth Craig Boudoir Photography | Pittsburgh-2-2.jpg
Elizabeth Craig Boudoir Photography | Pittsburgh-4-2.jpg

Makeover by AtHome Beauty.