Are You Interested in Transformational Retreats?


As this new Astrological year approaches (March 21, 2022 — March 21, 2023), there is a palpable desire to go deep within ourselves, connect with community, and begin putting work into our personal authentic journeys in this life. Do you feel it too?

My amazing and extraordinary friend, Marta, and I have felt this shift, and have heard from so many women in particular that transitions are happening in our personal and professional lives. A craving for deeper connections, a soulful awakening to honor our highest self.

In response to this, and because we have been feeling this shift acutely ourselves, we are actively working to create workshop retreats that focus on these transformational topics.

Self-exploration, self-discovery, self-awareness, self-knowledge, the breaking down and letting go of what no longer serves us, while simultaneously exploring, creating, and manifesting a new path of heightened awareness.

We have felt a need for intentional connection as a result of this time in our world and would appreciate it so much if we could hear from all of you if this type of event would be something you would be interested in. We know everyone’s time and schedules are hard for travel, and maybe you can’t take a week off from your family or work, so we wanted to bring it closer to home, and over a weekend, to make it accessible for anyone who is searching for this type of experience.

My amazing and extraordinary friend, Marta, and I are extremely passionate about this work, and we couldn’t wait to see if you are too. Does this speak to you or someone you know? Is there something you are actively searching for?

If you’re interested in this type of event we would like to ask for your help by filling out this short survey that will inform us of what people are interested in. Please follow the link for the survey. You can also reach out to Marta or me via email: or

Don’t forget to share this with someone you think needs to see it.