Choosing Me.

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Her fiancé purchased a session for her as a gift. I think that is one of the most romantic things a man can do for his woman. To purchase a gift for her that is intended to make her feel so special, so sexy, and so alive is just so damn lovely.

She came completely prepared, with ideas but an open mind. What you see was my favorite outfit because not only was it super sexy, but so elegant and fashionable.

Goodness did we have fun. She just came alive and she was so fearless! Her connection was easy and her movements showed she trusted me implicitly, so we just jammed right along together. I was in love with her photos! I knew she’d love them too.

At the end of it all she said she couldn’t believe how much fun she had, how powerful this session made her feel and how sexy she felt as well. She made it a point to say to me that she really believed the reason was me. She said it was the way I treated her, encouraged her, and talked to her. The way I instructed her and took care of her, and of course, how I made her feel.

My job: inform, direct, take care.

Your job: listen, follow, let go.

Now that’s a recipe for a damn fine team, if I do say so myself. I’ll be here when you’re ready…