How to Cut 3 to 5 YEARS Off Your Photography Business Learning Curve (PLUS A MASSIVE DISCOUNT!)

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What do you think the number one answer is to “How do you learn best?” when questioning a photographer? Answer: in-person, hands-on, and visually. Yeah…kind of a no-brainer, right?

What do you think the number one educational investment is for photographers? Answer: online programs and digital downloads.

Yeah…I know…doesn’t really make sense, right?

Sure, there are tons of group workshops you can participate in and I believe that anything you can do in-person is the superior choice, but what if I could one-up that for you?

When I take a good look at the long journey of photography education, I see so many wonderful and fruitful paths, but what I don’t see much of, if at all, is the individual, one-on-one educational experience. I get it, I get it: we educators make a lot more money if we can teach a group of people at the same time, and I adore teaching workshops and will continue to do so, but nothing will ever beat a comfortable, private, and intimate learning environment that only includes you and me. Period.

Let’s dive a bit deeper.

There are 3 types of learning experiences you can choose when learning how to be a successful photographer. The trick is to figure out which works best for you.

  1. Do it on your own. The pro here is that it is the least expensive learning experience. The con is that it is also the longest learning experience. This is the route I took and had I invested more in educational experiences that included my best way to learn in-person and hands-on) I definitely would have cut YEARS off of my learning curve.

  2. Online programs and courses. The pros here are that the cost is usually affordable and it’s quicker than doing it all on your own. The cons are that you are the only person responsible for making yourself actually listen, watch, understand, and implement what you bought. I’m sure it will come as no surprise to tell you that most photographers don’t even bother to open up programs and courses they’ve purchased. I can say this because I’m one of them. To me, the biggest con is that you don’t have someone, live, right there with you to answer questions and banter with and also to explain things you can’t quite wrap your head around. Most have groups you can opt into and ask, but the lack of in-person, one-on-one for me is a huge downside.

  3. In-person and hands-on. The con here is that it’s typically the most expensive. However, I can also say that if I could go back and collect all the money I spent over the last 15 years on other educational experiences that didn’t fit into this category, the amount would be the same. The only difference is that I would have been SO MUCH MORE further along had I invested it wisely in an educator that I trusted and was already running a business that I saw as my goal. DING DING DING! The number one pro here is that this learning style is lightning speed compared to #1 and #2 above. To have someone filled with years of knowledge, based on their own experiences that they have implemented in their own successful business is priceless. You get to learn from all of their failures without having to fail yourself. Yeah. #priceless.

As an educator, I not only had to explore the question of how I learn best, but how I teach best. Turns out it’s the same way I learn. I decided at that moment to start offering what I just couldn’t find any other photographer offering: a personalized, individual educational experience. If you’re a novice photographer that wants to fast track your learning curve, or a seasoned photographer that wants to get over that roadblock you can feel is in your way, this might be what you’ve been looking for.

These experiences can be creative (a live, in-person full photoshoot session day with a real client where I teach you client interaction and communication, wardrobe, posing, lighting, composition, all of my tips and tricks, my editing style, and even a sales session with this same client, and more), business (workflow, how to book more clients, editing, CRM management, questionnaires, contracts, pricing, marketing, social media management, and more) or BOTH for the truly motivated photographer. The best part is that each experience is personalized for what you need most AND comes with lots of goodies to take home. It’s not a one-size-fits-all experience, for sure.

!!BONUS!! RIGHT NOW I’M OFFERING A 25% DISCOUNT ON ALL OF MY IN-PERSON EDUCATIONAL EXPERIENCES!! That’s EIGHT discounted services to get me in your face…and if you like my face how can we go wrong here?? Just enter the code INYOURFACE at checkout for this, this, this, this, this (add-on), this (add-on), this, and/or this service. You are sooooooo welcome!

Juuuuust in case I haven’t blown your mind yet (MUHAHAHAHAHAHA!), I also offer Studio Refresh Sessions where I come to your studio to help you learn to shoot better in your own space. These are so fun…it’s like not working…

Lastly, because this is by far the MOST ASKED QUESTION I get, I am also now offering How to Book More Clients Mentoring. This incredibly robust program brings togrther to my Top Ten Secrets to Book More Clients downloadable guide with my mentoring as we work through the guide step-by-step together to get your calendar filled with more sessions than you can imagine.

Give me a shout to learn more about any of the educational experiences you’ve learned about today.