Just Because

I’ve had a lot of women lately reserve sessions with me “just because” and I love it! Most of them had the Covid blues and just wanted to do something to feel alive again. Boy, do I get that. S came in for this very reason. She just wanted to feel good in her skin and she figured what better way to do that than to photograph that skin. I couldn’t agree more.

S also told me that she used to be a swimmer back in the day, but since closing that chapter she noticed shifts in her body. She said she never had curves before and though it was a little strange to her, she was doing her best to not only get used to them, but to enjoy and celebrate them. YES, YES, YES!

We had the time of our lives rolling around the studio having some fun. Me moving things around and generally making a big mess in my studio is pretty much par for the course and when I threw a sequin pillow on the floor to get it out of my way, it landed in the sunlight and cast some interesting sparkles on the wall. I ushered S over quickly before the sun disappeared and had her pose there. We got one shot off before the sun went back in for quite a while and it turned out to be one of my favorite photos of the day. Love when that happens.

S loved her photos, and I knew she would. She did an amazing job letting go and just having fun, and that showed in the photos.

Here’s to celebrating all the shifts! *clink clink*