Pittsburgh Property Diva | Personal Branding Photography

My goodness…when I met Lauren all I can tell you is that I just became instantly smitten. Number one, she is just the most down-to-earth, honest-to-goodness sweetest gal you’d ever want to know. Number two, look at her; she’s just gorgeous and I was hoping some of that dazzle just might attach itself to me. Number three, she has a shoe collection that had me cleaning up puddles of drool all day. Aaaaaand number four: she brought me two bottles of champagne, just cuz. Like I said...S.M.I.T.T.EN.

If you haven’t heard of her, Lauren’s brand is the Pittsburgh Property Diva and she’s one of Pittsburgh’s most sought-after real estate agents. But let me be clear: the “Diva” is only in the form of Queen…not in any other way. She’s as sweet as your favorite ice cream.

For Lauren’s session we were going for approachable, professional, down-to-earth but with a luxury feel. That was not hard to accomplish with her! She was a natural in front of the camera.

Keep your eyes peeled while driving around the city. You just might spy a giant billboard or two with this lovely woman smiling back at you.