Problem Solvers for Hire | Personal Branding Films & Photography | Pittsburgh

You may have heard of Melanie Mitro and Katy Ursta previously on my blog. I’ve known these dynamic, brilliant women for a few years now and honest-to-goodness…they just never cease to amaze me with their hustle. #whatiwanttobewhenigrowup

From Beach Body queens to social media mavens, these women know what they’re talking about when it comes to building a business. The latest venture is a female entrepreneur-focused community with the mission of bridging the gap between your idea and how to reach your own professional goals. Meet Chic Influencer! I can’t think of anything better than merging the 2 things I love so much: women and community.

We were hired by Chic Influencer for some film projects to help them get their message out there and it’s been a wild ride all the way. They get it, you guys: if you want to build your own roadmap to success, that includes a dedication to film, photography and putting yourself out there openly, honestly and with a consistency that is full force. In today’s media-driven, I-want-it-now, in-your-face-24/7 entrepreneurial world, you have to be adept at using all resources available to you so that YOU are who everyone is talking about.

That’s where we come in.

I’m so thrilled that John and I began this new leg of our business. It has allowed us to open up our services to an entirely new population that we had never tapped into before. Helping entrepreneurs solve their biggest problems (how to get noticed and take that recognition all the way to the bank) has rejuvenated a whole new part of my brain that was just waiting to get tagged in.

We’re problem solvers. That’s what we do.

I think sitting down, hearing the stories behind the epiphanic brainchildren that each of our clients so desperately want to bring to life, and then coming up with an individualized plan of attack to make those dreams come true is the most fun for me. The most rewarding is being on their team and watching as they turn those late night, in-your-head conversations-for-one come to a level of fruition even they never dreamed of.

I guess 15 years and going strong as successful entrepreneurs has its benefits! Now it’s time to pass all of it onto you.

Anyone have a problem that needs solved?