Self-Acceptance vs. Self-Love

Elizabeth Craig Boudoir Photograhy | Pittsburgh-3.jpg

Self-acceptance is accepting yourself in spite of your flaws. Self-love is loving yourself because of them.

See the difference there? I know…self-love isn’t an easy kind of love. In fact, I think it’s the most difficult kind of love to attempt. We will never, ever, be has hard on anyone else in this lifetime than we will be on ourselves. We will never, ever, treat someone as poorly, or say things as mean to someone else with as much ease as we will do these things to ourselves.

Self-love is the biggest mind-fuck any woman will likely experience in all of her lifetime.

Yet…here we are, living in the most pro-self-love/accept-yo-self time in the last 2020 years (Jesus showed up all the fun shit the bed…such a wet blanket). I mean seriously, you can’t turn around twice without some new product, experience, or service waiting for you to spend your cold hard cash on in an effort to be able to look at yourself in the mirror and not bawl your eyes out.

We all have new mantras: I accept myself. I accept my flaws. I accept that I am not perfect and perfection can only be reached by accepting that my flaws are perfection.

But…why am I just accepting myself? It’s more like I’m excepting myself. I accept myself by excepting the things I don’t accept, thereby accepting me in all of my exceptions.

Yes, I’m confused too. Except I’m not. I totally get it.

Rather than accepting yourself, consider that there is nothing really there to except. I mean…if we’re really being honest, the things you don’t love about yourself are really only traits that you believe make other people uncomfortable when they see them.

And what the fuck do you care what other people think anyway?

TRUTH: I have never, in all of my 47 years, ever met a woman with a perfect body. 

TRUTH: I have never, in all of my 47 years, ever met a woman that believed she had a perfect body.

TRUTH: If you are wasting your time comparing yourself to others, you are depriving those that know you already, are already in your inner circle, already love you madly, would take a bullet for you, and believe in every way that you are already perfect of the time they actually deserve from you. *tsk tsk* 

Knock that shit off.

Elizabeth Craig Boudoir Photograhy | Pittsburgh-6.jpg
Elizabeth Craig Boudoir Photograhy | Pittsburgh-2.jpg

Makeover by AtHome Beauty.