Soul Scrubber Film Series: Jordan Corcoran of Listen, Lucy

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If you haven’t heard of this film series by my awesomely-talented better half, John, then you’re really missing out. A few years ago, John decided to start a project based on interesting people that had interesting stories to share about themselves. The one thread that John was able to keep constant throughout the series were everyday folks making it a priority to touch and uplift others. 

Meet Jordan, creator of Listen, Lucy, a non-profit organization with the mission of bringing awareness to mental illness in hopes of eradicating the stigma associated with diagnoses. Though Jordan works with all ages, she mostly focuses on school-age kids, and in today’s climate, can I just say what a blessing that is??

I hope you take some time to watch the film, as Jordan talks about her painful past of bullying that left her spiraling for quite a long time. After being diagnosed with a mental illness, Jordan fought to keep it a secret for a long time due to the shame she felt. Through time, Jordan found her voice and speaks for those who cannot by sharing her story and giving a place online for others to speak anonymously about their lives while living with mental illness and bullying.

She’s one brave sister, you guys. You won’t regret pushing play!