The Seasons of Change


If you’re not familiar with this wonderful human being in these photos, let me give you a quick backstory. I saw Ryan working as a cashier at a local Giant Eagle and I knew instantly I had to photograph him. I got in his line, handed him my card, and 2 years ago I photographed him in my studio…and it was EPIC. It was AH-MAZING!

Of course we’ve kept in touch and I promised to photograph him again as soon as I could come up with a new concept. Took me 2 years to come up with that concept but…oh. my. goodness. It was worth the wait.

This concept actually began with an idea from Ella, my brilliant and creative almost-14-year-old. I took that idea and let it blossom in my head. Once it was fully formed I got to work building 4 backgrounds, one for each season. Lee Ann of AtHome Beauty just K.I.L.L.E.D it on the hair and makeup styling, as usual. The hair and makeup were of equal importance, if not more, than the backgrounds. It was Ryan’s “wardrobe”, so to speak. The tones and character she brought to life was magnificent. Then Ryan just brought it home with his beauty and connection. I am simply smitten.

So I bring you Spring, Summer, Fall, & Winter. More to come…