I know you’ve been dreaming of that one thing. That thing that has kept you awake thinking “If I could do this…just this one thing…I would be so proud, so happy and so content. I would be living my dream.”

This is the year.

Why? Because this year you gather up all the chutzpah you have ever stored away in your heart of all hearts. This is the year you make the decision that the risk is worth it. This is the year that the fear of never living your dream is bigger than the fear of failing if you tried.

This is the year of YES.

Whatever “that” is for you, here it is. This moment is yours. This year is yours. You’ve stepped up to the plate, you’ve gathered all of your courage and you are now baring your soul, ready for whatever mountains you have to climb to get to the top.

Lather-rinse-repeat, baby.
