BIG Announcement for Elizabeth Craig Photography Fans!

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Bang the drums, toot the horns, stomp your feet and start your shouting out loud! I have some fun and fabulous news to share with all of you!! If you have been following me for any length of time then you know I have a studio. This studio has been my second home for 8 (EIGHT!) years. And after 8 years, I have decided to give it up.

DON’T PANIC! Hear me out…

—Does this mean I’m not shooting anymore? NO! I am still shooting. Seriously…like I could ever stop shooting.

—Where will I be holding my sessions now? Each month I will shoot in an airbnb or hotel room of my choosing. They will be local to the Pittsburgh area.

—Will this affect my privacy or experience? NO WAY! Every space will be 100% private, just like my studio. Your experience will actually enhanced…read on.

—Why did you decide to do this? Lots of reasons. 

  1. The number one reason I decided to do this is because I was getting pretty bored with my space. Over the years I was able to reimagine and re-work my studio so that I could squeeze out every ounce of creativity I had in my brain and heart for that space. I am the kind of person that likes and craves change, especially the spaces I live and work in. Each time I made a major change in my studio it helped me breathe creativity and vision into my shoots.

  2. Because I have officially squeezed everything I can get out of that studio, I had a decision to make: go on autopilot and churn out the same stuff for each client, with minimal changes here and there, or change my environment and reinvigorate my craft. I chose the latter. I just can’t be bored, you guys. If you know me at all, I’m nowhere near an "autopilot" kinda gal either. I crave new, unique and challenging. None of that was in my studio anymore. Not only am I not that person that can just settle in and drift with my eyes half closed, I absolutely could not do that to my clients.

  3. Which leads me to this reason: I AM SO EXCITED FOR WHAT THIS MEANS FOR MY CLIENTS. This means your experience has just gone up about 10 notches. You get new spaces, all the time. You get a photographer that is even more inspired than she ever was and SO EXCITED to create new art with you. Together, we can stretch, mold and otherwise dance around in our creativity and be inspired to really create a photo shoot of a lifetime, every time.

—When will this change take place? This change will take place as of February 1, 2019. If you are a client that booked with me at a time when I would have had my studio, please be assured that just because the space has changed does not mean your session or inclusions will change in any way, other than a bigger dose of fabulousness. Any sessions taking place with me after February 1, 2019 will be at a local airbnb or a hotel. You will be informed upon booking a session where your location will be.

—Will this be a permanent thing? Seriously…do you not know me by now?? NOTHING is permanent with me. I’m just trying this out and if I love it, I’m sticking with it. If I grow tired of the vagabond photographer lifestyle then I’ll start looking into renting a space again.

—Will you still offer beauty and personal branding in addition to boudoir? Yes! In fact, it will be SO much easier for me to offer both because the surroundings and aesthetics will be so full and unique it will add to the photography for sure.

—Will you still have wardrobe to offer? Yeppers! Yes, I will have less because I have to carry it with me everywhere but I will still have awesome pieces for all of you to peruse and use.

—Will this affect the number of shoots you take in a month? Yes. As you know, or may not know, I just opened an education business. This means I have to split my time between both businesses and streamline my processes so that I can work super efficiently. Therefore, I will be accepting bookings for photoshoots 2 days a week, once a month. During high-traffic times of the year, I may add on one day to that.

So this is how it will work. I will choose a space and rent it for 3 nights. I will shoot 2 shoots back to back on the 2 full days of rental. Eventually once I get all the kinks worked out, that will be the 1st Monday and Tuesday of every month. Like I said, during high-traffic months, or when absolutely necessary, I will add a 3rd day for 2 more shoots. 

This means I will be going down to 4 shoots per month and 6 only when necessary. Because of this it is absolutely imperative that if you need photos by a specific date, you reserve your shoot as soon as you can. I need at least 6 weeks in between your session date and the date you need your photos/products so keep that in mind when considering a date. 

—Will this affect the price of your photoshoots? Sort of. I have an average that I make per shoot. So, when I add all of the moola I make in a year from each client and divide that by the number of shoots I get per year, I get an average. Yes, some spend more and some spend less, but I decided to create one package, and one package only, that I will sell at my average price per shoot that I currently make right now. Yes--for you I made the decision to NOT raise my pricing, even though I am significantly reducing the number of sessions I will photograph in a month. #yourewelcome

—Will you offer payment plans? YES YES YES! I have never done this before, but I will now! So now you will be able to make a deposit and then 3 payments to complete your balance. If you decide to pay in full all at once you will receive $150 towards companion products or print order.

I will have the studio through January, 2019 and still have a few slots left for that month AT MY REGULAR PRICING. So if you want to get in under that umbrella, now is the time!

This girl. This girl right here….she’s taking over the world…look out!

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