The Evolution of a Simple Question: What Do You Love About Your Body?

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On my client questionnaire for my sessions, one of my questions asks, “What do you love about your body?” Conversely, next I ask, “Is there anything you’d like for me to de-emphasize?”

Can I tell you, when I started shooting boudoir, that former question would usually get ignored and the latter would come with a laundry list. Over the years, I’ve watched excitedly as it began to even out. 

Now, I’m just tickled pink to tell you that over the last 2 years, I’ve watched the balance reverse itself completely. The laundry list now belongs to the former. In almost EVERY questionnaire I’ve received back this year, the latter either came with a l resounding “Nope!”, or “I’m embracing it all!”

First, that is the BEST Christmas present I could ever receive. Second, it has been my honor to watch all of us women step into this new reality of whole acceptance. I say “whole” acceptance because what I see happening is so much more than just body acceptance (though I’d be just as happy with that). It’s a celebration of everything from the bones, to the skin, to the mind, to the heart. It’s magical.

I could not be more excited to watch this continue in 2021. Let’s keep this up ladies. What you may not realize is that every time one of us crosses that threshold, we bring our daughters and our sons with us, and by proxy, their daughters and sons. You pay it forward without even knowing it. That’s mother fucking powerful.

It’s working. #bodyrevolution

If you’re ready, I’ll be here.

If you’re a photographer and want to learn a few more tricks of the trade, swing by and grab my Free Posing Tips Guide for Photographers. It will give you posing tips for the body, the hands, AND facial expressions. For an even more in-depth way to really dig deep with posing, snag my Boudoir Posing Guide, which will give you 20 go-to poses with photographs and step-by-step instructions in 4 different set areas, PLUS a BONUS section on curvy girl modifications.

If you’re looking for more of my divine wisdom on how to conquer the world (MUAHAHAHAHA!!) check out my Services or my Shop (make sure to scroll down in my shop to check out all of my freebie downloads).

Makeover by AtHome Beauty.