What is Your Definition of Self-Care?

If you read my other post similar to this one, then you know I’m a big proponent of knowing the true definitions of popular terms being used in every way possible these days. Maybe these concepts seem simple to you, but now that the beauty industry has joined the Be Good to Yourself in Every Way Possible (by buying everything we have to offer because nothing says Self Love like a new deodorant/car/lip injection/manicure…etc)

If you’re going to stick your toesies into this revolution, then knowing the difference between all the “selfs” is important. My last post was all about understanding the difference between self-acceptance and self-love. In this post, I want to break down what ‘self-care’ really means. Why? Because, believe it or not, there is some controversy over it. I know…crazy, right?

From what I can see, there seems to be two school’s of thought. In one camp, we have a group that believes self-care is anything you identify as your brand of self-care. This can include activities some may label as superficial or “self-care light”, like shopping, manis/pedis, a night out with the girls, throwing a dinner party, taking a bath…etc etc. 

In the other camp, we have a group that believes there is a difference between activities that give you a temporary state of joy, and those activities that create lasting experiences that help to nourish, grow, and expand your sense of self. Such activities may include meditation, therapy/acupuncture/reiki, self-help reading, workshops, and overall, a commitment to being a student to the human experience and confronting the good and the bad of your Self, all in an effort to gain wisdom and clarity, thereby leading to a life of truth. 

One looks to be fun, spontaneous, and self-indulgent, while the other appears to be a bigger commitment to hard personal work that pays off in the long run.

Which is better? Which is right and which is wrong? I’ve read testaments from both and had conversations with both camps and if you’re asking me, I’m going to tell you there is no right answer, but my answer is this: 

  1. Whatever works for you is the right answer. Just like we all don’t wear the same shoe size, we don’t all work from the same recipe for joy and contentment. Some of us came back for this current human experience to learn deeply and discover life’s secrets. Some are here to take a break from their last intense human experience and are simply living in bliss milking their cow. You have no idea what someone else’s life looks and feels like and if they tell you a monthly manicure is what sends them straight to heaven, who are you to disagree?

  2. I think it’s both camps mixed together at different times in one’s life. We’ve all had those moments when we couldn’t put our finger on it, but we just knew deep inside something bigger than us was working with us to teach us something we didn’t even know we needed to learn. We’ve also all had those moments when we looked out over the landscape and saw Mother Gaia looking right back at us and as we sat eating our PB&J our hearts were full simply by watching the setting of the sun.

Yes, I believe it’s all that simple. Right now I’m more interested in what YOU think? What do you do to care for yourself? What do you think the ultimate care for the self looks like?

Drop me a line and let me know.