Cathy & Keith

Cathy & Keith got married on a I mean COOOOOLLLLDDD winter day in December.  Despite the cold, Mother Nature greeted us with a gorgeous sun and a bright blue sky.  Cat & Chop (nicknames of the happy couple :) ) were such a down to earth, kind and sweet couple.  They were all smiles the entire day.  They agreed to meet us before the wedding, which I love because it gives us so much pressure-free time to have some fun.  Although it was so cold we could only be outside for a little while.  But Cat, Chop and their wedding party were such troopers for braving the cold! Let's start off with one of the details shots.


The very happy and smile-all-day bride. :


Tell me this isn't the most adorable dog you've ever seen.  Buddy stole the morning with these huge brown eyes.  Of course, he was just happy to have a full house and lots of attention.


The happy family.  Introducing the adorable groom and his soon-to-be-step son Nicholas--who was also the Best Man.  I love this photo.  Keith has such a great look on his face.  He was so easy to photograph.


Keith and Nicholas are very close.  As they walked along for pictures they held hands the entire time.  It was so heartwarming to see them as a family and see how close the 3 of them are.


No Photoshop necessary on this day.  A little tweak on vibrancy but this is pretty much all Mother Nature in her glory.


Along with bubbles, Cathy & Keith had these bells for people to ring as they left the church to get into their limo.  I thought that was a great touch.


Being that the wedding was around Christmas time, we couldn't resist a photo like this! :)


Cathy & Keith had a Christmas tree at their reception and each ornament was something special and something with meaning.  I loved this one.
