Samantha & Tim's Engagement

What a great winter this has been so far.  Cold, but unusually good weather.  The sun has actually been showing its lovely face and you can't say that too often in Pittsburgh!  I got the privilege to photograph Samantha and Tim for an engagement session right at the end of December and we had some really good laughs and a lot fun.  Samantha saw some of my engagement shots from previous couples on my blog and asked me to re-create some of the shots for her and Tim.  I was happy to oblige as you all know how much I love Oakland. :) Isn't this such a cool shot??  I saw the sun beaming in through some trees and thought I'd try to get some cool silhouette shots.  I really love this one.


I really liked this one too because I got some sun flare and I was also able to make the photo light enough that you could still see Samantha and Tim.


I just love pictures of hands.  Second to the eyes, to me, they are the most expressive part of the body.


Here they are sharing a funny moment.  I just love the girly "head-throw-back" laugh.  They make for awesome shots. :)


Again, Samantha had seen the "intersection" shot and wanted me to re-create it.  But in this one they wanted to do something different and Tim decided to twirl Samantha. I thought it turned out so cute.


These 2 are my favorites as well...



I really liked the luminosity of the lights in this cafe behind them.  It was just the right time of evening that they glowed.

