The Beauty Within Project

So it's been a long time since I've had the chance to give an update on my side project, The Beauty Within. It's been a lot of fun so far and I have met some truly amazing women. Thank you to all that have taken time to tell me your story.

I have had the privilege to talk to quite a few women and hearing their stories has been enlightening, powerful, heartbreaking and also mixed with incredibly funny  moments. It is such an array of emotions to have all in one sitting and it is both exhausting and transcendental. These stories are the stories of all of us women. Each of us is connected on some level with every other, forming an incredible sisterhood that bonds us thru time. I know, sounds corny...and maybe a bit idealistic but I, for one, maintain a faith that it's true.

We hold in each of us a story that embodies strength, love, survival and a desire to just be. Be happy, loved, important and to make a difference in this short life. We want to feel things on a deep level and a connection with others that forces us to feel everything on that deep level. We want tears, moments of awe and deep belly laughs. Is that so much to ask for in one lifetime??

Sometimes we find our place in this world and sometimes we don't. But it really is the journey that counts. Somehow each of us finds a path that we follow for whatever reason. All we can hope is that it leads us to accepting ourselves as the awesome and complex beings we are....and hopefully along the way we pick up those parts of ourselves and others that gives us happiness.

It's been an amazing adventure and it's one I'd love to continue. So if you, or a woman you know, has a story to tell that expresses how they found their beauty within please send them my way! This is a photo-documentary project that is all about giving a voice to the amazing journey of women. So whether it is that you have survived something that helped you find your beauty within, or that you have become more comfortable and at peace in your own skin, I'd love to hear how you found your Beauty Within.

Each woman participating will meet with me at either my studio or a location agreed upon by both of us, during which time we will talk about your life and your story. I will also take photos while we're talking, all of which you get on a disc with printing rights. You must be willing to sign a contract allowing me full and unrestricted use of your story and photos. Please contact me at for more information.
