Miss Lily's Specialty Teas | Pittsburgh Traveling Princess Party

So I have just been itching to finally get this blog post up! Our daughter just turned 5 in January and normally we don't do too much for her birthdays because seriously...how many kids under the age of 5 care about anything more than sugar and presents on their birthday?? But this was a big one to me; the final birthday before Kindergarten and the first year of graduating toddler-hood and becoming a little girl....excuse me while a shed a tear. Also important to us was that Ella made some really terrific friends in her preschool and since none of them will be attending the same Kindergarten class as her, we figured we would allow one super-terrific birthday party before the goodbyes start at the end of school this year. So what's a mom to do?? I knew Ella L.O.V.E.D Disney princesses so I did a search. Enter Miss Lily's Specialty Teas. I was absolutely delighted to learn that this company actually travels to you and throws a magnificent birthday bash for your little one while you sit back and enjoy. That's right, I said it. You do....NOTHING. Tee hee! I'm still giddy. They brought all the decorations, the tables and chairs, the yummy delicious so-adorable-how-could-you-eat-them cookies, balloons, crafts, games, goody bags (in CLOTH bags, not plastic!!!), tiaras, and of course: an entire rack of princess dresses all the little girls can choose from. What more could you ask for! And wait, there's more: a woman dressed as a Disney princess throws the party and engages all the children in 2 crafts, a game, "tea" (pink lemonade) and cookies and dancing. We paid for an extra princess (hey, 2 is better than one!) and it was worth it.

Ella had such an amazing time. There hasn't been a day since that her friends haven't asked for her to do it again and I don't blame them. I wish I were small enough that day to fit into one of those dresses and be a princess for a day. The smiles were unending and I became Mom of the Year. Niiiiiiiiiiiiice. ;-) It was a great way to kick in Ella's 5th year for sure. :)

Now on top of it, I also had an amazing gift that day given to ME. A friend of mine, who also happens to be a professional photographer, asked if she could gift photography of the party to me. What?? Let me get this straight: I don't have to decorate, entertain or do anything associated with the party (including clean up!) AND I don't have to run around sweating trying to document all of this on my camera?? Queen for a Day. I.Was.Thrilled. And I don't know if you've had a chance to look thru Beth Kukucka's photography but when you do you will understand why I was so giddy about her photographing my daughter's birthday. Beth is particularly talented at capturing moments so I was just thrilled to know she was photographing Ella's party. The photos below are from me but you have to make sure and check out the SLIDESHOW of photos Beth put together from all the photos she took. They are just stunning.

Isn't this the cutest ever?? The first dress Ella wanted to try was Ariel, the Little Mermaid and she was so excited to show off to Cinderella!

And here is one of the crafts...

The goody bags I fell in love with.....

The cookies that were too adorable to eat (well...the girls had no problem gobbling them up!)

And last but not least: our little Princess hugging a Princess. So sweet!

Thank you Miss Lilly and Beth Kukucka for such an incredible day!
