Pittsburgh Fashion Boudoir Photography | Elizabeth Craig Intimates

I can't begin to tell you how much I am enjoying playing around with lighting! For the 1st 2 yrs of my Intimates business I relied solely on natural light. I did that for 3 reasons: 1. I really really like the look. Natural light has a way of making everything so soft and if used right, can also give a very ethereal look to it.

2. I knew it would make me a better photographer. My studio is a very tricky one when it comes to lighting. I only have 3 usable walls and one of them has 3 gigantic windows on them and there is no wall to use on the opposite side of the windows. That means that I often have to use the wall of windows as my backdrop. Having an abundance of light behind a subject can be difficult but because of that, it made me a better photographer. It made me understand light and how to use it to my advantage, even in difficult situations. Light is constantly changing, making me understand my camera better and become lightening quick at changing my settings to accommodate. I can now be in any lighting situation and feel confident that I can deliver. I am a better photographer because of this.

3. I had no idea if my Intimates photography business was going to succeed, so why invest? I wanted to make sure I could make a go of it first. Only after I could feel confident that this business was going to not only be fun but also a source of income I could count on did I believe investing equipment was worth it. It was a sloooooowww process working lighting into my system....I always figured if it ain't broke, don't fix it!

But I'm so glad I started incorporating off-camera lighting into my work. It's been a blast and the infusion of creativity and endless possibilities has reignited my passion for this type of photography, not that I needed a boost...but hey...I'll take it! ;-)