Engagement Photography | Mellon Park | Gina & Brian

Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow (repeat to infinity) do I have a sneak peek for you! I don't know if you've noticed, but Engagement Sessions are becoming quite the rave lately and not only that, but they are becoming much bigger productions than they ever used to be (insert me giggling with glee and delight here). So knowing how excited I was to work with Gina & Brian, my wheels started turning (insert dark, mischievous music here) and the ideas started flowing. And then I had the BEST idea ever: I contacted my friend and peer Jody, owner of JPC Event Group. Jody is an AMAZING...um...well...everything! She bakes, cooks, plans, designs...and anything else you can think of that goes into a wedding day, she's your gal. So Jody came up with three, YES THREE!!!!! set designs for Gina & Brian's Engagement Session. We met Jody and her family (aka, staff) at Mellon Park today and I was simply overwhelmed with how much Jody put into this. I.was.thrilled. We had a shabby chic set, a vintage set and a more modern set. The details that Jody put into every set was just incredible. I had a field day.

So here are just a few photos from our evening. There is so much to share but I wanted to at least start with some photos that would give you a feel for the session....

Yes. These are frangipane mini pies. How adorable! And soooo yummy (I stole one after the shoot...so worth it).

Have you ever seen berries look this good??

And meet Gina & Brian! Aren't they adorable?? Not only were they so much fun to photograph but they also had a natural chemistry that made this session so easy for me.

Tickle me pink just look at this photo. Ai yai yai...so sweet.

I just loved this photo and had to throw it in.

How sweet is this?? Gina & Brian are really into photography so Gina brought along her Polaroid camera. I just couldn't pass this photo up.

Gotta love Polaroid cameras!!

As soon as I saw this B and G I thought, "How adorable! Bride and Groom!" When Gina & Brian saw the G and B they thought, "How adorable! They brought letters for each of our names!" :) So I had Brian hold onto the B and Gina hold onto the G. So convenient that their names begin with the same letters as Bride and Groom! :)