Grabbing Our Last Little Bit of Summer's Light & Love...

I don't talk too much about our private life, but every once in a while it's nice to talk about the little things in our life that show off our personal side.

This has been a whirlwind of a summer and with our daughter, Ella, heading back to school to 1st grade (FIRST GRADE?? I can't believe it! {virtual tear}) I've had a chance to look over the last few months of our goings-on. Learning how to ride a bike (for Ella: her first time...for me: my second time), running marathons and races (John), someone's first Big Girl haircut, having picnics, blowing bubbles, swimming and laying on the ground counting starts...what a summer it's been.

People say to me all the time, "You must have a gazillion photos of Ella from those cameras of yours...". Ah. Not really. I usually choose to document our family life by Instagram. I never leave home without my phone and it's not as clunky and cumbersome as a pro camera so it's perfect.

So here we are, taking a little break from bike riding to take a walk in the creek near our home. We bring Ella's bathing suit with us when we ride on this path because it is simply inevitable that we end up exploring in the creek. Looking at this photo of her it just makes me tear up thinking how big she's gotten just over the last 3 months....where does the time go...
