Thinking About Valentine's Day? | Boudoir Photography it bad of me to be mentioning Valentine's Day gifts this soon after Christmas? Nope. ;-) So here's the deal: you come see me, we have more fun than should be allowed that results in incredible photographs for him (and you!) Sounds like a win/win, right? Yup.

I am booking now for Valentine's Day but I will only be reserving sessions until January 16th at my regular pricing. After January 16 you can choose my upgraded rush service for an additional fee or replace the album with more digital file downloads of your images (some are already included in my packages).

You ready for some fun? ;-)

Valentine's Boudoir Photography 2013-0001 Valentine's Boudoir Photography 2013-0002 Valentine's Boudoir Photography 2013-0003 Valentine's Boudoir Photography 2013-0004 Valentine's Boudoir Photography 2013-0005

For more on my work, don't forget to visit my site.