Sweet Sunlight | Boudoir Glamour Photography

Aaaahhhhhhh....love love love the versatility, unpredictability and ever-changing dimensions of sunlight. I would never ever knock anyone for using studio lights but for me, it's natural light all the way. I love that I never know what my studio is going to look like on the day of a shoot, what light I will or will not have to work with and how it will all shape my work for the day. Sometimes it's just a natural, well-lit photo and sometimes it's that touch of lens flare that gives that photo it's kick....whatever it is, I never know what sunlight I will get on any given day and that is pure ecstatic joy for me. And here is a great example of that. These 2 sets of photos were taken maybe 20 minutes apart. Same room, same time of day, just 2 different outfits and 2 different areas of my studio. My huge windows face East in my studio so when we get a sunny day I get all that warmth coming in. In this first set, C had on an intricate and sultry lace bra outfit and it was all kinds of fierce. As soon as C put this outfit on her whole demeanor changed. She was fierce, in control and strong. And that's exactly what I wanted to show. So I immediately knew I wanted direct sunlight. Even though you can't see the outfit in these photos, you can feel C's attitude. I wanted to highlight that with the dark, mysterious shadows that direct sunlight can cause. It deepened the photos to me and made them more raw.

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Then C changed into a soft, comfy sweater. That changed everything. All of a sudden she was a sweet girl next door. No better way to showcase that then setting her in an area of my studio that would allow the sunlight to fall over her, causing a glow all around her. Sweet, soft, feminine....

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Yup. Soak up that yummy delicious light. ;-)