Surprise Engagement! Pittsburgh Gay Engagements & Weddings

Ohhhhh sweetness of love. John and I have never ever had the chance to witness a surprise engagement, let alone photograph one. So when Stephanie contacted us about proposing to her fiance Desiree we jumped in with both feet. We were thrilled! Stephanie & Desiree live in Baltimore but they come up to the beautiful 'Burgh every year to celebrate St. Patrick's Day (because we all know no city beats out the 'Burgh with their partying ways on St. Paddy's Day!) But little did Des know that Stephanie had a hidden agenda. Muhahahahaha!

So, we met Steph & Des at the Duquesne Incline (which is where they first fell in love) at sunrise on St. Patrick's Day. And as you can see from the photos below Des was quite surprised and not a little delighted. *shucks*

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Desiree & Stephanie were so gaga for each was so heartening to witness.

Best of luck with your upcoming wedding in NY Steph & Des!! CONGRATULATIONS and thanks for letting us be such a special part of your day. xoxo