Chasing Shadows | Pittsburgh Boudoir Photographer

Mmmmmmmm.....chasing shadows. That's what is so fun about natural light. You can play with it, trick it, use it and abuse it. It's an incredible energy when photographing. If you have ever looked thru my work it's very bright. I love when I can push the light to its extremes and bring an ethereal look to my photos. I guess you could say it's my signature. But I am a running contradiction, which I absolutely adore about myself, so I love taking things from one extreme to another. I love to mix it up and switch gears whenever possible so for this segment of my session with S I decided to hide the light and play a bit of peek-a-boo with it a bit. The way the light plays over her curves is simply fantastic. It's very sensual in the way it hugs her in all the right places.

Shadows are so seductive....

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