Amanda & Mike | Sacred Heart Parish Weddings | Sheraton Station Square Receptions | Pittsburgh

You've had a little peek of Amanda & Mike's wedding day but I'm just gonna spill it all today. Normally I break up a wedding day in terms of blog posts because there are so many photos I want to share with you, if I do it all at once it's a bit overwhelming. Well be damned with my tradition today! Here it is...Amanda & Mike's entire story from start to finish. Why am I breaking with tradition? Because there has been a slight shift in the wedding photography trends and I want to keep up with what's going on in the world, ya know?? Waaaayyyy back in your parent's day, wedding photography was really just about snapping proof that you got married. :) There was no storytelling or magazine-worthy portraiture. It was just about documenting the event....not the day. Now we've seen a huge shift in that. Weddings are gigantic now. They are elaborate, expensive, massive and the photography trends have changed to document all of this. Brides want photos that resemble Vogue images, parents want a giant celebration to share with friends and families because they didn't get to do this when they got married. And grooms...well that hasn't really changed; they just want to party. ;-) But there has been another slight shift lately and it's been fun to watch. It's more than just grandness now. It's more than just all the bling, all the details....all the...well..."everything". It is now becoming even more personal. It's now about storytelling. It's about taking photos, that when streamed together, show a very emotional, personal and heartwarming story specifically detailing the relationship of each couple. Each couple is unique so each story is unique. John and I have always photographed in a storytelling style but it really has only been the last year or so that it's been imperative to share an entire story. Historically I've done this with posting  a slideshow and I love that. The music and movement really adds to the story but it's not a necessity.'s time to share an entire story all at one time on my blog and break my tradition of blogging a wedding 4x to show the whole story with you (pre-ceremony, ceremony, portraiture, reception).


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