When Should You Schedule Your Beauty/Boudoir Session with Me?
Whoa, whoa, WOW has my inquiry rate gone through the ROOF (she says jumping up and down clapping her hands wildly)! This, obviously, makes me super-excited because that means all you gorgeous women out there are coming to the conclusion that celebrating yo-self with me is actually a good idea....and that is just fantabulous.
Little did I know how much fun this was going to provide me in trying to squuuueeeeeeze you all in, all while carrying a full load with weddings as well. I'm the kinda gal that sees 5 minutes open on her schedule and then figures out how to use it to get just one more task done. I'm not so good at sitting still, which has been a benefit to my clients. However, there is some scheduling magic even I can't sprinkle fairy dust on to get you ladies what you want when you want it. So I am giving a bit of advice here on when is the best time to schedule your session with me, depending on what occasion you'd like your products for.
First, I like to have at least 6 to 8 weeks from session to product delivery. I can do it faster but I charge rush fees to do so. I'm super quick y'all, but the album/product companies are not and no matter how much I keep begging, crying and stomping my feet they simply will not speed up their process for me. Boogers.
I typically have your photos fully retouched and ready for you to view them within a week (or 2 if I'm really swamped). So it usually takes a total of 2 to 3 weeks to edit, get you in for your reveal, create layouts for your products, have you view and approve the layouts (or request changes) and then order them. Then it's another 3 to 5 weeks to have them delivered to me, at which time I inspect them, repackage them and then send them out to you. That's a ton of steps to get your gorgeous products to you so it does take time. Some of my products can be delivered in 2 weeks, others are 5 weeks.
**I actually originally wrote this blog post a few days ago and at that time I had 6 slots left for this year. Now....
For the rest of 2014 I only have 3 slots left, as of this date today, and all in December. I cannot take anymore sessions in time for Christmas presents this year. If you're interested in a 2015 Valentine's Day gift then you'll want to reserve one of the three slots left, or you can also reserve a session the first week in January for V-Day too, but I'm only taking 4 sessions that week. So if you're in the market for a doozie of a knock-his-socks-off gift contact me. ;-)
A really good rule of thumb is to reserve your session date at least 8 weeks before you need your products. This will allow you time to enjoy the whole process of preparing for your session, the time at your session, seeing your photos for the first time, ordering your beautiful products to showcase your beautiful photos and have them delivered in plenty of time before you need them. If you do it any other way the whole thing becomes about timing rather than the experience and it's a lot of money to toss out there to miss the experience.
So when you're ready...I'll be here!
All fabulous makeovers above by Ms. Justine Lynn of Beauty Justified.