Lindsay & Roy | Hall of Sculptures Wedding Reception | Pittsburgh

Carnegie Museum Hall of Sculptures Wedding Photos-0010One of the cutest couples ever for you today, folks. We first met Lindsay & Roy last year for their relaxed engagement session. What a fun day it was to just take a walk, take some photos and get to know this couple. Lindsay & Roy decided to take 2 years to plan their wedding and you could see it was worth it. No stress, no craziness...just enjoying the process and letting it all come together. But they did wait long enough; Lindsay & Roy have been together for 8 it was time. Lindsay is very calm but you could see how excited she was about the day. She kept saying all day how she just couldn't believe the day was finally here and how excited she was to get it going. And Roy was even calmer. All smiles just floating through the day. His gift to Lindsay was the sweetest I've seen in a long time. He had a bracelet made for her with the longitude and latitude of their wedding location. How ridiculously sweet is that?!?

And so the day finally got there. ;-) A few vows, a few giggles, lots of hugs and a dance floor that neither Lindsay or Roy left for the entire evening. What a party!

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