Photo Walk | Art's Only Purpose Is...

Screen Shot 2015-06-26 at 8.43.14 AM Hey gang...I get a lot of questions about how I do what I do. Want in on the secret?? John. John Craig. That's how I do what I do. He taught me it all. Wanna learn what I know? Would you believe me if I told you can learn for free from Mr. John Craig?? Yep. I said it. See below.

FREE Photo Walk When: Sunday, July 12, 2015 Where: Our studio on the North Side at 502. W. North Ave. Pgh 15212 Time: 10am What to bring: Your fancy shmancy DSLR with a fully charged battery. A notebook with a pen and all your questions.

Bring a friend or make a friend!

Please RSVP so we can keep up with the count.

For additional workshop and photo walk dates go here.

And here’s a fun film by John to keep you entertained!