PHEW! Grab your fan, get a nice cold drink and sit right in from of your a/c vent...this is a hot one! This 'lil sneak peek will get the blood pressure going for your commute to work. ;-)
She blew me away! She was so timid and so nervous before she even walked into my studio....but then I just let Justine loose on her and she brings down the calm, the peace...the cathartic exhale...and then I'm left with a beautiful, cool, serene and ready-to-hit-the-ground running version of this gorgeous woman. Which is why we make such a good team. ;-)
Fire engine number nine, coming down the Elizabeth Craig Photography line!! Weeeeew! Weeeew! Weeeew! Couldn't resist that one....
Smokin' hot makeover by Justine Lynn of Beauty Justified.