Cool as a Cucumber | Pittsburgh Boudoir Photographer
That's what you need to be when you come in to see me. Maybe that's not how you feel when you come in, but rarely do I have a gal not slide right into POW mode once the session starts. The funny thing is, almost all of the women that I work with seriously question whether they have it inside of them to rock a session out like a pro. The reality is, they bring it. Every. Single. Time. Don't get me wrong, it's a bit of work to get there. I've never photographed a supermodel so I know full well we have to work as a team to get out of you what is necessary to get the photos you want. But once they get there, it's all downhill.
And this was no different for S. Wowza this beautiful young woman was a pile of nerves when she walked into the studio (as was visible by the hives on her chest, neck and face ;-)) I knew she had it in her. I knew she could kick this out with sass she didn't even know she had. Not so sure she was so confident in herself, but once S reached down deep and pulled out what was inside of her all along, once she trusted me enough to let her walls down and let her powerful bad-ass self shine can see for yourself, as you saw a bit of before.
Never doubt yourself. You got this. ;-)
Sizzling makeover by Justine Lynn of Beauty Justified.