Kate & Mike |New York City Engagement Session
Aaaaand a bit more straight out of NYC. John and I were so happy to travel to NY to spend some time with Kate & Mike. We rarely get the chance to travel for work (not as easy to do with a kiddo) so when we can, we do!
You'll see we had such a magnificent day to photograph. The glow coming down those streets was just scrumdillyicious. What might not surprise you is that we already had Kate & Mike's engagement session all planned out and ready to go in the 'Burgh...and then Mother Nature decided otherwise with her buckets of rain. It's been a wet summer so far this year but I won't complain; we got to go to NY to photograph Kate & Mike so it all worked out lovely.
And just for kicks, here's a short film John put together from our 'lil getaway.