The Real You | Boudoir & Beauty Photography | Pittsburgh
"You captured the real me." She said, smiling from ear to ear as we sat in my studio, sipping wine while we perused through her photographs for the first time. I love hearing just never gets old.
It's also one of the best compliments you can give a photographer that shoots beauty portraits. She was so excited to think about the look on his face when he sees these photos for Christmas, but mostly she was elated to have gone through this experience and have a piece of her beautiful self memorialized forever.
"You did a great job." I told her. "Nope--I just did what you told me to do and Justine made me look gorgeous." Ooooooh yes. And there is the #1 secret to any photo shoot, for all you ladies out there thinking about it. Listen, visualize, copy me, let your walls down, be vulnerable. You know what that means? You, sitting in my studio, smiling from ear to ear as we sip wine and peruse through your photographs for the first time...and you say...."You captured the real me." ;-)
Don't be afraid to be the real you.
Glamorous makeover by Justine Lynn of Beauty Justified.