[vimeo 157572837 w=500 h=281] #PhotowalkPGH from John Craig on Vimeo.
Topic: Q&A: Intro on how to shoot in Manual
Cost: Free
Date: 3/20
Who: Anyone that owns a DSLR (families & children are welcome)
Time: 10am
Where: 502 W. North Ave PGH 15212 (On street parking is free)
What to bring: Your camera, passion to learn and a friend.
For this community to grow, we need your help. We need you to start spreading the word. Even if you can’t come, but you think nurturing a free community-based art group is a good idea, then we need you to spread the word. Facebook. Twitter. Pinterest. Your blog. Your big fat mouth. Whatever way you can get the message out there, we’ll take it.
As always, my good friend and talented photographer (who I steal ideas from all the time), David Burke, will be co-teaching.