The Magic Photo Bus

Annie O'Neill Magic Photo Bus-001Shut the front door. Is this not THE most adorable take on a photo booth you have ever seen in your LIFE?!?! I want to get married all over again just so I can have this at my wedding. That's logical, right?? So, meet Romeo. Yes, that's this '67 VW bus' name. It's Romeo. How stinkin' magnificent is that?? My very good friend, Annie O'Neill introduced me to Romeo and I just couldn't keep all this cuteness to myself, so I'm unleashing the awesomeness that is the Magic Photo Bus to all of you out there in the world. Yes, that's right...inside this uber-cool VW Van is an actual real, live photo booth filled to the brim with everything you need to give your guests the funnest experience in a photo booth, ever.

And just in case you're thinking, "Ohhh MAN! I wish I had known about that when I got married!!" Or, "Ohhh MAN!! I don't think this will fit inside the ballroom!!" (hahahahaha!! I'd love to see this inside the Omni William Penn Urban Room for sure!!) Or "Ohhhhh MAN! There's a really good reason I think I can't ever use this bus!!" Then I say to you that this bus can be used for:

~Weddings ~Engagement Sessions ~Birthday parties, for smalls and for biggies ~Anniversary parties ~Corporate events ~Baby showers ~Bridal showers ~Bachelorette parties ~Absolutely anytime you want to show off that you're cooler than anyone else in the whole entire world.

Wanna know how to get the Magic Photo Bus?? Well, here you go. You can visit their site, take a peek at what their up to on Twitter, email them at, or give them a buzz at 412-657-9303. Tell Romeo I said 'Hi'. ;-)

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