What is Fashion Boudoir?
Pittsburgh Boudoir Photographer | Elizabeth Craig Photography-003
If you know anything at all about my work, you know I am totally smitten with designer fashion. It's sexy, bold, risky and trendsetting. All my favey-fave things about women in general; taking my female beauties to another level with designer fashion is an obvious step in my work. Forever and ever and ever, Pittsburgh has been a celebrated "sleepy little town" with regards to just about absolutely everything, including (and mostly) fashion. Well my 'Burghers...the time is upon us to show everyone out there that our time is arriving. Are you with me?? We've had a little taste of an emboldened fashion scene with women like Natalie Bencivenga and SEEN, Style 412, Julie Bauknecht and Stylebook, fashion blogger Jordan Feucht over at POLKADOTPLANES, Ashley Pletcher at Afternoon Espresson, Zoe with Love, and most recently with the Material Worlds Fashion Show (please please please more of these!!!) this past Friday. From all of us women that begged, pleaded, prayed and kicked and screamed for Pittsburgh to start being a force in the fashion world--I say thank you.
And yes, I'm trying to do my part. I do not claim to be a top-notch fashionista. I'm not in the know and I've never been a part of the cool kids group, but ladies....I know good fashion when I see it, and I incorporate good fashion into my work when I can.
That brings me to my title above: exactly what is fashion boudoir? Well, simply put, it's when I infuse designer fashion into my boudoir sessions. That's it, really. Lingerie is either included or not, which I know is a traditional staple of boudoir photography but as you can plainly see...it's not necessary. I do love lingerie; I'm a girlie girl after all. And I will absolutely piece lingerie with designer fashion, but it's just not necessary to keep a look super-sexy is all. However, the look and tone of the photographs is traditional boudoir. It's a balance.
How do I get designer fashion to infuse into my shoots? I have my ways, dahhhlings, and a lady never divulges her secrets...but let's just say there are a few more perks to being photographed by me than just having incredible, sexy, glamorous, gorgeous photos to accompany your once-in-a-lifetime experience in my studio.
Pittsburgh Boudoir Photographer | Elizabeth Craig Photography-002
Pittsburgh Boudoir Photographer | Elizabeth Craig Photography-001
Maybe I should change my company name to "House of E". Thoughts??Makeover by At Home Beauty.
Black dress: Alexander Wang Leather coat: Michael Kors Booties: Gucci