What's in a Portrait | Senior Photographer | Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh Senior Photographer-59
When I begin to edit any session, the first thing I do is go through and select all of the images that I connect with instantly. Occasionally I'll do this first, then give it a day or 2 and go through again, just for some space between choices. What's fun for me is going back through, after the editing is long completed and the photos have been presented to my client and some time has passed. The reason it's fun is because I'll see things I didn't see before. Like, for instance, how many photos are so similar, but juuuuuuuuust have such a slight difference enough to make me want to keep them all.
What's in a portrait is what emotion or connection is captured. At least for me anyway. Each of these portraits could be considered the same enough to have gotten rid of each of them, and save only one. But I couldn't do it.
Each of these photos takes on a completely different connection to me and my camera. How do you delete that??
Beyond the clothes, the background, the light, the furniture, the jewelry...even beyond the reason you came to me is the connection you give to me. Because absolutely none of the former matter if you don't have the latter.
Pittsburgh Senior Photographer-54
Pittsburgh Senior Photographer-58
Pittsburgh Senior Photographer-51
Pittsburgh Senior Photographer-53
Pittsburgh Senior Photographer-56
Pittsburgh Senior Photographer-55
Pittsburgh Senior Photographer-50
Pittsburgh Senior Photographer-57
Pittsburgh Senior Photographer-52
Connection is timeless and that is what is most important to me: timelessness.Makeover by At Home Beauty.