Searching for Gold in Colorado

Outdoor Boudoir Photo Shoot | Elizabeth Craig Photography-1

....and I found it. I'm going to toss this blog post up before my biggie big post (with video and everything!) just to give you a wee taste of what Colorado was like for us. If you remember, I was invited to Photo Rehab 2018 to instruct on 2 classes: Boudoir Flow Posing and Nailing In-Person Sales, while John came to film and also fill in some of the teaching gaps, along with Ms. Lola Gilbert (if you haven't heard yet, we 3 make up the team that runs and operates Elizabeth Craig Education).

I'll tell you more about my time in CO soon, but for now I wanted to highlight this awesome shoot I was able to put together as a bonus for the attendees. If you don't recognize that fab glam model, it's Krystle Coll from Adventuring with the Colls and Juniper and Krystles. Yes! She and her sexy husband, Edward, flew out to CO so that Krystle could be a model in my posing class, as well as this hot as hell shoot (hot as in sexy, not as DAMN COLD!) I was THRILLED to be able to offer this to the attendees because, well....LOOK AT THESE PHOTOS!! Who WOULDN'T want some of these to toss into their portfolio?!?

BIG GIANT THANK YOU to Krystle for braving the crowd and cold. Sameera for the INCREDIBLE makeup and Evan for KILLING IT SO MUCH on the hair. You 2 blew me away!

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Outdoor Boudoir Photo Shoot | Elizabeth Craig Photography-5
Outdoor Boudoir Photo Shoot | Elizabeth Craig Photography-8

It was a magical experience. I had the time of my life. There were huge Elk. The mountains were mystical. More to come.